Terms and Conditions

1 Scope

These T&Cs apply to the use of the services offered and rendered via cyberpreventionservices.axa.ch and cyberpreventionservicesapp.axa.ch and run by Silenccio AG (hereinafter referred to as “Silenccio”).

2 Services

Silenccio AG provides the following services via cyberpreventionservicesapp.axa.ch:

  1. Vulnerability scanning: Silenccio AG checks the customer’s IT infrastructure for possible vulnerabilities using parameters that have been previously set (email server, URL, available payment functionality, available contact form and available log-in options on the customer’s website). If any such vulnerabilities are found, the customers will be notified via the email address provided. For security reasons, the details of the vulnerabilities will not be sent. Customers can view the scan results at any time via cyberpreventionservicesapp.axa.ch.
  2. Dark web monitoring: Silenccio AG carries out searches on the dark web to check whether the credit card information or telephone numbers stored by the customer are being traded online. If any such data is found, the customers will be notified directly via the email address provided. For security reasons, the details of the monitoring will not be sent. Customers can view the monitoring results at any time via cyberpreventionservicesapp.axa.ch.
  3. Phishing tool: Silenccio AG offers SMEs the option on cyberpreventionservicesapp.axa.ch to set up, send and analyse phishing campaigns for the purposes of training their employees.
  4. Push messages: Silenccio AG informs customers proactively when it becomes aware of any relevant security issues that may pose a risk to the customers aside from the data stored for scanning and monitoring. 

A detailed overview of the services is available on cyberpreventionservices.axa.ch.

Silenccio AG strives to provide its services around the clock and without interruption as far as possible. Liability is therefore excluded in accordance with Point 8 for any consequences resulting from the temporary interruption of access to the platform.

Unless otherwise explicitly agreed, contracts between Silenccio AG and the customer are always orders and not contracts to produce a work. Contracts, which are obviously purchase contracts in nature, are excluded from this provision.

3 Registration

Customers must register online to use the services. Registration is personal and cannot be transferred.

Registration is only available to natural and legal persons with the capacity to act without restriction. The information provided during registration must always be complete and accurate and must generally include the following: Corporate name, email address, full first and last name of the employee being registered, including title and role in the company, full postal address of the company as well as a current mobile phone number. The customer must create a password that is not attributable to them personally.

If any of the registered information changes, the customer is required to update their personal user account accordingly without delay so that the information is always complete and accurate.

The personal access details must be kept confidential by the customer and third parties may not be given access nor may the access details be passed on to third parties. Silenccio AG cannot be held liable for damages caused by any inappropriate use or unauthorised sharing of access details.

Companies headquartered outside of Switzerland cannot use the services of Silenccio AG.

The use of mechanisms, software or other scripts that could disrupt the proper operation of the website is prohibited. Customers must not take measures that could result in unreasonable or excessive strain on the infrastructure. Customers are prohibited from blocking, overwriting or modifying content generated by Silenccio AG or interfering with the websites of Silenccio AG, in particular cyberpreventionservices.axa.ch, in some other disruptive way.

4 Conclusion and term of the contract; payment of usage fee

Services can only be used via Silenccio AG on cyberpreventionservicesapp.axa.ch.

When the registration has been completed, the customer receives a confirmation that the registration has been received. The contract is concluded with the customer when Silenccio AG sends the confirmation of registration.

If the customer chooses paid services provided by Silenccio AG, in addition to the services available free of charge, the usage fee for the paid services is due for payment immediately after they have been selected. Upon payment, the customer receives an email confirmation, including the corresponding payment receipt, for the services they have chosen.

The contract between Silenccio AG and the customer applies for the minimum contract term indicated under the respective service. After the end of this minimum contract term, the contract will be tacitly renewed by a further corresponding period in each case.

If it is discovered after payment that a service cannot be rendered, Silenccio AG can cancel the corresponding order in full/in part and/or withdraw from the contract. The customer has, under no circumstances, a claim to the corresponding service being rendered.

5 Termination

The contractual relationship can be terminated for any chosen service at any time and without notice via cyberpreventionservicesapp.axa.ch by clicking the “CANCEL” button before the next automatic renewal expires. The usage fee will not be refunded pro rata temporis in the case of cancellation.

Silenccio AG will confirm the cancellation in an email sent to the email address stored in the user profile, specifying the last date on which the services can be used. When the usage period has ended, access to the account will be blocked and the data will be deleted 30 days after the end of the contract.

Silenccio AG has the right to terminate a customer at any time. Customers, whose contractual relationship has been terminated by Silenccio AG, do not have the right to re-register without obtaining prior agreement from Silenccio AG, neither under their own name nor under another name.

6 Prices

The prices are published on the website cyberpreventionservices.axa.ch and are binding. Silenccio AG reserves the right to change pricing models at any time.

7 Liability

Silenccio AG is excluded from claims for damages due to impossibility of providing the service, due to breach of contract, due to culpa in contrahendo and due to unauthorised actions, provided there is no wilful or grossly negligent action on the part of Silenccio AG. The liability of Silenccio AG for indirect damages and consequential damages caused by error or failure of performance is excluded.

The customer accepts that cooperation with Silenccio AG in general and the use of the services it offers cannot in particular ever be a guarantee that the customer or the computer systems of the customer will never experience failures, interruptions, loss of data, theft of data, data tampering or other undesired situations or events. Silenccio AG explicitly does not provide a guarantee for anything that has not been unambiguously stipulated as a guarantee in writing in a contract between Silenccio AG and the customer.

Silenccio AG can at any time modify, restrict or adjust the scope of the functionalities offered via cyberpreventionservicesapp.axa.ch. cyberpreventionservicesapp.axa.ch may be temporarily unavailable for maintenance work. Silenccio AG cannot accept any liability for such circumstances.

Silenccio AG does not in particular accept liability for damages caused to customers due to the conduct of other customers or third parties in connection with the use or misuse of cyberpreventionservicesapp.axa.ch.

8 Data protection

The Datenschutzerklärung (privacy policy) of Silenccio AG will be changed from time to time and is not subject matter of the contract. You can find a link to the latest version here.

9 Data sharing and retention obligation

The registration data may be analysed and used for marketing and advertising purposes.

Silenccio AG retains a customer’s personal data for as long as this is necessary or reasonable in order to comply with applicable legislation or for as long as it is necessary for the purposes for which it was collected. Silenccio AG deletes personal data as soon as it is no longer required and in any case when the maximum retention period prescribed by law has ended. Otherwise, the provisions of the Datenschutzerklärung (privacy policy) are applicable.

10 Assignment of rights and duties to third parties

Silenccio AG reserves the right to assign individual or all rights and duties under these T&Cs to a third party or to arrange to have them exercised by a third party.

11 Applicable law and jurisdiction

Silenccio AG reserves the right to assign individual or all rights and duties under these T&Cs to a third party or to arrange to have them exercised by a third party.

12 Severability clause

If one or more of the provisions of this contract are or become ineffective due to statutory regulations or due to contradictory content, the effectiveness of the remaining provisions, in particular also of this clause, remains unaffected thereby.

13 Final provisions

These T&Cs may be modified at any time (for example in the case of changes to legislation, adjustment or further development of the functionalities of the services), and the current version will be published on cyberpreventionservicesapp.axa.ch.